Are you looking to buy in one of our nation’s higher-priced neighborhoods? If the home value is usually +$1M you are probably looking in the right place. For most neighborhoods, the conventional minimum limit is around $500k and can go up from their depending on the market and neighborhood.
If your struggling to get approved for a conventional or conforming loan like Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac due to the property values in the area you want to live, a Jumbo Loan, may be just what you need.
At Oz Lending, we have tons of options that can suit the loan you need to get the home of your dreams in the perfect neighborhood. Start the loan process now and one of our Loan Wizards will get the full story for what you need and how we can help.
Disclaimer: This is not an approval or a commitment to lend. This information is provided in an effort to better inform you about the loan products we offer at Oz Lending. Rates, terms and conditions are subject to change without notice.
Whether it’s refinancing, buying a new home, building a home, or applying for home equity loans or second mortgages; we have an experienced, around the clock, qualified team of accessible “Wizards” who are with you every step of the homeownership process.
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1101 Ridge Road
Ste. 249
Rockwall, TX 75087
NMLS ID 35960
Branch FHA 7753200782
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